Thursday, February 16, 2012

Eliminate Energy-Sappers From Your Diet

Not enough alkaline-forming foods in your diet - Foods that are alkaline-forming include figs, molasses, green leafy vegetables, almonds, beets, dates, celery, cantaloupe, and parsley

Excess sugar - Excess sugar causes fluctuations in blood sugar, which can result in plummeting energy levels. Try to decrease all forms of refined sugar. Watch out for low-fat foods -- many have forms of sugar, such as high-fructose corn syrup, added to make the food more palatable.
Insufficient protein - With high-protein, low-carb diets being so popular, it's hard to believe it but insufficient protein is a common reason for fatigue. Pack some almonds and nuts for a quick and convenient protein snack.
Too much coffee - Although coffee initially raises stress hormones and gives a rush of energy, consuming several cups or more of coffee per day can promote burnout. Try to gradually cut back to one cup a day. If you like the taste of coffee, you may want to try one of these top coffee substitutes:
Ø  Roastaroma - This tea is a blend of roasted barley, roasted chicory root, and roasted carob, with spices cinnamon, allspice, and star anise added for a full-bodied taste. Barley malt adds sweetness
Ø  Genmaicha - green tea with roasted brown rice. It has a nutty, mellow flavor
Ø  Teechino - made from roasted carob, roasted barley, and roasted chicory. It also contains figs, almonds, and dates for sweetness and a nutty flavor. Different flavors, including vanilla nut, hazelnut, and java. Must be brewed in a coffee maker or espresso machine.
Ø  Cafix - a freeze-dried grain drink made from barley and chicory. It is non-acidic and does not contain caffeine. Comes in convenient crystal or powder form.
Ø  Pero - a coffee substitute from Switzerland. It is made from made from malted barley, chicory, and rye. An instant beverage.
Not enough water - One of the most common reasons for low energy is not drinking enough water.

Take 20 Minutes Every Day Just For You - Create a daily ritual where you take 20 to 30 minutes for yourself just relaxing and doing nothing (no watching tv or surfing the net). Pick up a book, listen to music, meditate, have a cup of tea, or try a new yoga pose.
 Consider a Stress-Formula Multivitamin - People who are under chronic stress require more B vitamins. A stress formula multivitamin often has more B vitamins than standard multis. B-50 B supplements are also available as a supplement to a standard multivitamin. The B-2 in a B complex can turn urine a bright yellow color.

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