Monday, July 16, 2012

Different Sources of Protein to help you Lose Weight

Different Sources of Protein to help you Lose Weight

Protein is necessary when it comes to losing weight. If you don’t feel full you’ll find yourself eating more and not feeling full after you’ve ate a meal that should have lasted in your system. When you feel full you won’t feel the need to continue eating and you’ll be able to lose weight.

The amount of protein you need in your daily diet is based on three things. You need to consider your size, your age, and how active you are. An example of this would be if you weighed 200 pounds you should have approximately 74 grams of protein every day.<more>

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

10 Ways to Fit Exercise into Your Busy Day

No matter if you work all day and you don’t feel like exercising or if you’re busy with the family after working all day, there is a way to fit exercise into your day. In order for any of these to work, you must set your mind to it and decide you will find a way to make it happen.

1. Get up 15-30 minutes early and exercise before you start your day.
2. Exercise before you go to bed.
3. Use the gym close to your office and do your workout on your lunch hour.
4. Hit the gym before you go home.
5. Take your 15 minute break during the day to walk around the block or down the street to the mailbox....Read More....

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Tips for Exercising when you’re Over 50

Just because you hit the big 50 doesn’t mean everything must come to an end. You don’t have to stop doing things and you certainly don’t have to stop exercising. In fact exercising when you’re over 50 is more important and the reason may surprise you. Your body will go through some changes and if you don’t exercise you may find or every pound you put on, it’ll take you three or four times as long to lose it and that’s not what you want.

There really isn’t any specific type of exercise you should do when you’re over 50, so you can do whatever you enjoy doing and what feels comfortable to you. If you enjoy jogging every morning, keep it up. If you like hiking with the family, go for it... Read More...

Monday, April 30, 2012

Tips for Changing your Eating Habits to Lose Weight

Losing weight is not easy to do. It’s hard to give up the sweets, the pop, and the starchy foods, but if you do you’ll find you’ll feel better and it will be a little easier to lose the weight. Course, giving those things up isn’t all there is to losing weight. You must exercise as well, but that’s still not everything.

 Standing strong with your plan to lose weight is what you need to do, but it’s hard to do that on your own, so to help make it happen you need to add a daily supplement. It’s also important to add certain foods to your daily diet. There are two foods you should eat daily to help you lose weight.


 Fiber is another one of those foods you need to eat in order to lose weight. The main reason people are overweight is because they overeat because they’re eating the wrong foods. When you eat foods high in fiber you’ll find your hunger will be controlled and that means you’ll be able to control the amount of food you eat. There are fiber bars and cereals made with fiber, but you can also eat raspberries, boysenberries, and blackberries as well.


 Protein helps you feel fuller and you’ll find the feeling will stick with you, so it’s a good idea to eat something high in protein with each meal. If you find snacking is what you do to make it through the day, you may need to add a high protein snack. There are a number of foods that contain protein such as hard boiled eggs, turkey, cheese, fish, beef jerky, and almonds to name a few.

 When you eat foods high in fiber and protein and combine it with exercise each day, you’ll begin to see the weight fall off. You’ll see your appetite will change and you’ll have more energy and you’ll have the desire to do more. When you need to lose weight, it will happen when you use fiber, protein, and exercise each day.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Important Reasons to Work Out

Working out is important for many reasons, but if you don’t know why you should do it, you may not feel the need. Most of the time you need a reason to do something or you won’t feel the need or you won’t feel it’s important.

One of the most important reasons you should work out is because of your health. If you’re overweight you won’t be able to do things and all you’ll want to do is sit and do nothing. The more you do that the worse it will get and the more your health will deteriorate and that can cause even more problems.

If you’re overweight, you should start out easy on your workout. Consider walking around the block or getting on the treadmill for 10 to 12 minutes. You don’t want to over do it, but you need to start somewhere. It’s a good idea to consult your doctor before you start a workout.

 Another reason to work out is to build muscle. If you want to do things that require strength, such as a job or a hobby, working out is a good way to get it done. You can lift weights and do other exercising or classes that will help you to have the strength you need. It’s not worth it to try to do something and hurt yourself because you didn’t have the strength you needed to have.

 One last reason to work out is to relieve stress. Stress can be caused by your job, family, or finances and most times we have very little control over them, but often times we take out our stress on those we love. A work out can help you get rid of the stress before you take it out on others. This can be done by taking a kick boxing class or using the equipment at the gym.

There are so many different reasons why you should work out. Each person is different, so you need to think about your life and why working out would be good for you. Once you figure out the reasons you need to keep those in the front of your mind so you will know why you need to work out on a daily basis.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Eating Desserts while Dealing with your Weight

One of the hardest things for people to give up or eat less of would have to be desserts. They taste so good and often times can make you feel like all of your problems have gone away. When you’re overweight or trying to maintain your weight, desserts can cause you to fail. Gaining weight can make you feel terrible in several different ways. Your clothes won’t fit, you struggle to do things, and you hate the way you look.

To prevent these feelings, you need to change your habits about dessert. You don’t need to completely eliminate desserts all together, but rather limit yourself to one a week. When you do this you’ll still be able to have the sweet taste, but it won’t put on the weight. You’ll have something to look forward to and this will help you get through the week without desserts.

Another way to handle the limitation of desserts is to have low fat or fat free desserts. There are hundreds of recipes for these types of treats. You’ll find recipes for cakes, cookies, muffins, and pies to name a few. You’re sure to find a healthy recipe for your favorite flavor as well. When you use these types of recipes you’ll enjoy your desserts and you won’t have to stress over what you’re eating and how much weight you’ll gain.

If you’re struggling to find dessert recipes that are healthy for you, do a Google search online for the kinds of desserts you enjoy eating. In my search I found to be a good site for healthy desserts.

Even though you’re trying to lose weight or maintain your weight you don’t have to give up desserts. When you portion eat, decrease the number of desserts you have in a week, and create low fat or fat free desserts you’ll be able to eat desserts and still handle your weight in the way you want. You’ll be happy and you’ll feel good about eating desserts.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Tips for Exercising in the Spring

Exercising is hard to do any time of the year, but there are certain times when it’s even more difficult. Spring time is one of those times and it’s because we’ve been cooped up in the house all winter and we’re ready to get outside and enjoy the warmer temperatures and fresh air.
There are several ways around this and still have the exercise you need to stay healthy and fit. Here are some tips to help you develop an exercise routine.

1. Exercise is a very important task that should be done regularly. If you find you’re too busy to do it when you would normally do it in the fall and winter, consider changing your routine. Working out in the early morning hours is a good way to get the workout done before your day begins and you’ll find the energy you have will help you complete your day on top.

2. If you find you want to be outside because it’s nice and you want the fresh air, consider exercising outside a few days a week. If you have a trail near your house, consider walking the trail two or three times a week. One thing to remember is you must walk longer or faster to do the same job as you would working out at the gym.
These suggestions will help you to get your exercise program in each day while enjoying the weather and time outside doing what you want to do. When you follow one or both of them you’ll find it won’t be so hard to get your workout in sometime during the day.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Keep Going!

When we set out to lose weight, we generally do so with an end goal in sight. Maybe we desire to fit into a certain size dress or wear this season's cutest bikini. Or, maybe we want to be able to free ourselves from some medical issues or rid our lives of daily medications, whatever the reason; we have an idea of where we want to be.
Whatever our initial reason to lose weight, somewhere along our journey we tend to veer off course. We get caught up in the process of losing and "forget" where we were headed to begin with. We start to fight with the number on the scale and soon that is the only battle that matters. The war is no longer important because we now have tunnel vision and cannot see beyond what is right in front of us.
What happens when we do this to ourselves? We begin the stages of giving up. We start to rationalize why it's too hard. Or, we convince ourselves that we're okay just the way we are. We really don't need to change.
So, how do we keep the fight in ourselves to move beyond the hard times and achieve our goals? How do we turn things around when we start to lapse, or relapse? We have to keep our motivation going. We have to continue to focus on ourselves and make our goals top priority. If you want something bad enough, you will stop at nothing to get it. So, how do we do this?

  • Remember why you want to reach the goal to begin with. This is your driving force. This is why you have passion for doing what you're doing. You can have some short term reasons, such as looking good for an upcoming event, but to have true, deep, center-of-your-soul passion, you have to find a lifelong reason. Do you want to be alive and well when your kids have kids of their own? Do you want to get off the blood pressure medications? What is your reason?
  • Don't beat yourself up when you lapse. No one is perfect and no one is going to make the right choices all the time. Sure, there are people out there that you think fit this criteria but if you were with them day in and day out you would come to realize that they are no different than you or I. We all have struggles and we all make some bad choices from time to time. So, don't beat yourself up for being human. Acknowledge that you could have made a better choice and let it go.
  • Don't allow a lapse to become a relapse. If you do lapse, don't allow it to become a relapse. Don't continue to make bad choices. If you are an all or nothing thinker, this is hard for you. But it is up to you if you use this as an excuse or if you use this as a motivator to change and break the cycle. When you are sitting half way down the steps, do you hurl yourself down the remaining steps or do you pick yourself up and climb back to the top?
  • Look beyond today to tomorrow. When you start to feel overwhelmed by what is going on right now, you need to remind yourself that it is one moment in time along a worthwhile journey. Don't allow yourself to be frustrated by every little decision making point or every little hurdle that presents itself. Remember that when you reach your goal, you will have the quality of life you have always desired.
  • Use every decision making opportunity as a tool to empower yourself. With every hurdle that is presented to you, you have a choice. You can give in to the hurdle, let it beat you down and walk away from it with your head hung low knowing that you let it win. Or, you can look at the hurdle as an opportunity to prove what you are made of. You can use your power, your skills, your knowledge and your passion and make a good choice and walk away from that incident with your head held high because you took the harder and better option and you won! You beat your enemy! Keep doing this and you will do it automatically and be at your goal in no time.
  • Remember how far you have come already. Whether this is a journey you have been on for one day or one year, you can look at some positive decisions you have made already to get you closer to where you want to be. Celebrate those successes. Congratulate yourself on taking the right road instead of the road that would have taken you off course. Don't minimize any positive steps you have taken. You wouldn't do that to a friend, so don't do that to yourself.
  • Breathe and realign yourself. When you start to feel overwhelmed and caught up in the moment, stop yourself. Take a few long, deep breaths and realign your thoughts. Replace the negative "I can't do it" thoughts with positive "I can accomplish anything thoughts". Get yourself back into a state of being self-supportive, not self-destructive.
  • Be your biggest cheerleader. When you are at a sporting event and your team is down a few points, do you chastise them and tell them they are worthless and leave the game because you just know they aren't going to win? No. If you are a true fan, you cheer them on. You build them up. You reach within your soul and pull out every ounce of strength to send their way because you believe in them. Even if a little part of you is scared that they won't win, you pull for them anyway. You will accept them no matter what, but you are going to try to motivate them with every bit of energy you can muster. Do this for yourself when the chips are down and the score is falling behind and you will find an  energy, an excitement, a fire you forgot existed. Cheer yourself to success. Don't walk away in the fourth quarter when you are down a few points. Summon your strength and go where you've never gone before to pull off a win and raise your hands in glory because you did it!

  • Visualize the end result. When you get up and look in the mirror see the YOU you want to be, speak to yourself in a tone that says you have already achieved your goal and you feel GREAT!
Remember that everything you do is a journey. It has a beginning and an end. And, at every end of your journey begins a new journey into something different. You will constantly be tested along the way and it is up to you whether you continue your journey or sit in the middle of the road and do nothing.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

What Are You Afraid Of?

Fear of change can keep you in a job you hate, a bad relationship, or a physically destructive lifestyle. Ask yourself: Are you living your full potiential? Is your life making you happy? When you look in the mirroe are you happy with what you see? If you answered no to either of those questions, WHAT do you have to lose by embracing change?

The truth is, things should change — your body goes through changes, your habits change( almost daily), your attitude is changing. This might be the point where, change is well needed and you start to freak out a little bit. You might be asking yourself, What will all this change mean — to my life's direction, my relationships, my identity?

I can't stress enough how important it is to resist any pressure you may be feeling from others to stop improving your habits or to remain a certain size. And don't worry if your spouse, family members, or friends aren't on board with your plans. You can't control them. They'll change if and when they want to change. Take care of yourself FIRST!

Maybe you're afraid you won't know how to love yourself if you're not a certain size. Many people are buried in their weight, not knowing who they would be without it. This is especially a risk if you've never identified yourself as "skinny", or "healthy." Don't be afraid of what you'll be like when you're thinner and in shape. inbrace the fear and keep it moving! Don't sabotage your efforts because you don't deem yourself worthy — you are SO deserving of achieving your weight-loss goals and living the life you deserve! Let's dig deep, get our hands dirty, and do this. What is there to be afraid of when you're healthy — besides living the life you're supposed to lead? When you're overweight and uncomfortable, there is so much less you can do, and you always live with the threat of having a stroke, developing type 2 diabetes, or getting cancer. Obviously, a lot more risks are involved if you give up and stay stuck instead of making changes.

The only thing that's holding you back from achieving your dreams is YOU. Believe in yourself, and stop letting your excuses keep you from living. Screw surviving — it's time to thrive!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Eliminate Energy-Sappers From Your Diet

Not enough alkaline-forming foods in your diet - Foods that are alkaline-forming include figs, molasses, green leafy vegetables, almonds, beets, dates, celery, cantaloupe, and parsley

Excess sugar - Excess sugar causes fluctuations in blood sugar, which can result in plummeting energy levels. Try to decrease all forms of refined sugar. Watch out for low-fat foods -- many have forms of sugar, such as high-fructose corn syrup, added to make the food more palatable.
Insufficient protein - With high-protein, low-carb diets being so popular, it's hard to believe it but insufficient protein is a common reason for fatigue. Pack some almonds and nuts for a quick and convenient protein snack.
Too much coffee - Although coffee initially raises stress hormones and gives a rush of energy, consuming several cups or more of coffee per day can promote burnout. Try to gradually cut back to one cup a day. If you like the taste of coffee, you may want to try one of these top coffee substitutes:
Ă˜  Roastaroma - This tea is a blend of roasted barley, roasted chicory root, and roasted carob, with spices cinnamon, allspice, and star anise added for a full-bodied taste. Barley malt adds sweetness
Ă˜  Genmaicha - green tea with roasted brown rice. It has a nutty, mellow flavor
Ă˜  Teechino - made from roasted carob, roasted barley, and roasted chicory. It also contains figs, almonds, and dates for sweetness and a nutty flavor. Different flavors, including vanilla nut, hazelnut, and java. Must be brewed in a coffee maker or espresso machine.
Ă˜  Cafix - a freeze-dried grain drink made from barley and chicory. It is non-acidic and does not contain caffeine. Comes in convenient crystal or powder form.
Ă˜  Pero - a coffee substitute from Switzerland. It is made from made from malted barley, chicory, and rye. An instant beverage.
Not enough water - One of the most common reasons for low energy is not drinking enough water.

Take 20 Minutes Every Day Just For You - Create a daily ritual where you take 20 to 30 minutes for yourself just relaxing and doing nothing (no watching tv or surfing the net). Pick up a book, listen to music, meditate, have a cup of tea, or try a new yoga pose.
 Consider a Stress-Formula Multivitamin - People who are under chronic stress require more B vitamins. A stress formula multivitamin often has more B vitamins than standard multis. B-50 B supplements are also available as a supplement to a standard multivitamin. The B-2 in a B complex can turn urine a bright yellow color.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's and Your Diet... Yes You Can Enjoy Both!

Valentine's Day can add some pressure to your diet and jeopardize your hard work. But with some minor changes, and being just a little prepared, you will find that you can enjoy the holiday.

1. Pick a Lower Calorie Treat for Your Loved One With a Sweet Tooth

What is Valentine's Day without chocolate? In fact, it seems that this is the holiday that celebrates terrific chocolate. But overeating this traditional delicacy is certainly not to kind to your waistline. Check out Eat Well for some great Healthy low- calorie options

2. Indulge in a Sweet, Red Treat

What is more romantic than feeding your sweetie a juicy red strawberry dipped in chocolate? Why is this necessary? Strawberries are naturally sweet enough on their own, loaded with anti-oxidants and vitamin C, and low in calories!

3. Buy That New Dress!

Wear clothes that you really feel good and you may find that it is far easier to stick to you guns when you're faced with all things sweet on Valentine's Day! You may actually find that you are more focused on how great you look rather than how quickly you can unwrap that chocolate truffle. Also, by wearing slightly tighter fitting clothes to dinner, you may find that you feel satisfied with less food than if you are wearing, say, the famous stretchy pants or something similar!

4. Cook a Romantic Meal at Home

Eating out naturally brings about the temptation to indulge in an overly fattening, high calorie, large meal. So, why not spark a little heat with your sweetie over your own stove at home? This way, you have control over what foods you eat on the blissful day. Perhaps begin with a fresh salad such as spinach salad with nectarines and balsamic vinegar. Follow it with a lean salmon with citrus-cilantro salsa. Finish off the meal with a bowl of fresh strawberries and milk chocolate chip pudding.

5. Eat Slowly!

It is true! Eating slowly will allow you to feel satisfied with less food! It takes a little time for you stomach to inform you brain that you are satisfied, so by eating slower, your brain will get the message before you have overeaten. Besides, eating more slowly will allow for better conversation between you and your sweetheart, and will allow time for a little more romantic eye-gazing.

6. Split an Entree

Split an entree with your loved one! Most restaurant meals offer portion sizes that can easily feed 2-3 people! Spike up the romance by sharing a plate to save yourself a few calories and dollars!  Grilled or broiled chicken or fish accompanied with a fresh salad with dressing on the side can be a delicious, and low calorie choice.

7. Take the Focus Off of Food

Your Valentine's Day festivities don't have to be centered around food at all. Try something different,perhaps your main entertainment can come from something like dancing instead, followed by a light dinner. This way, you can enjoy the evening with your sweetie, while burning calories instead of gorging on them.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Fitness Convention

This past weekend myself and several trainers went to SCW Mania in Philadelphia and I was both humbled and inspired. Humbled because I was expecting instant results and the opportunity door to fly open with my fitness business! Man did I receive a BIG reality check. 95% of the presenters have been in the industry for at least 15-20 years and have plenty of horror stories of the days before and how the road was along one to get to where they are today and hearing that hard work,dedication and persistence will pay off. I had the opportunity to brainstorm with a few of them and found that I am on the right track to see my vision grow and become all that I see it being. I was inspired to know that there is light at the end of this long tunnel just keep the faith , stay hungry and most importantly never loose my confidence and always stand for something important. Money will come focus on integrity and giving back  . Art Fitness is my vision and enjoying the journey is the bast part of the path that I am on. Talking to several industry leaders made me understand that I still have allot of dues to pay  and the fun is just beginning! My biggest goal is helping others take back there life and stop putting limitations on the Quality of life they are meant to live.

Thursday, February 2, 2012


Have your daily workouts begun to slip? Has your food intake gotten way out of hand ? These are just some of  the problems is with setting New Year's resolutions . If you've already blown them, then they probably weren't realistic to begin with. Don't give up hope just yet! Think about what went wrong and then work and work backwards and find ways you can fix it. Chances are you need to break  down your big resolutions   into several smaller goals with milestones and treat yourself when you have reached it.

A good strategy to staying motivated is visualization. Take 5-10 minutes a day and in vision the body you have always wanted, find a picture of the perfect you ( staying realistic ) and carry it around with you, post it up, and every time you think about giving up refer back to that picture.

Don't let yourself get stuck before you barely even start. Trust me — there is a light at the end of every tunnel (no matter how dark or how long), and the quicker you start moving, the faster you'll reach it. You won't regret it when the pounds come off and the results of your hard work pay off.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Little Note about Cellulite

Every wonder why some women get cellulite and some don't? Where does it come from?

Lets start with what cellulite is,It is not just seen on obese people but also skinny people as well.With obesity it is an increase in the number and size of fat cells, cellulite  involves structural changes to middle skin and usually appears on the abdomen, lower limbs and pelvic region.

Although specific causes of cellulite are not well understood there are a few theories that are believed to contribute to the formation of cellulite:
  • Hormonal Factors
  • Genetics
  • Diet- too much fat,carbohydrates,salt or too little fiber
  • Lifestyle Factors- smoking, no exercise, sit or standing in one position for long periods of time
  • Clothing- underwear with tight elastic across the buttocks
Best advise to to reduce or lower your chances of getting cellulite is eating a healthy well-balanced diet, exercise, no drugs or tobacco, plenty of water and fiber and LOTS of fresh air.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

7 Fast Food Choices Under 350 Calories

Who has the time to cook? Between the long hours at work, soccer practice, PTA meetings and traffic fast-food meals are inevitable. That's why we set out to find some healthy choices all fewer than 350 calories.
For more options pick up Eat This, Not That. This is a good “no diet, diet” resource that can help give you additional options in eating a lot of the foods you love when in a bind and still make that healthy lifestyle change

1. Panda Express Mongolian Beef and Mixed Veggies
235 calories
7 g fat (1.5 g saturated)
1,260 mg sodium
Panda Express actually has several options that come in below the 350-calorie mark. The key is skipping the greasy mound of fried rice and the oily tangle of noodles. Pair a low-calorie entrée such as the Mongolian Beef or Green Bean Chicken with a side of veggies and you wind up with a fairly nutritious meal with plenty of protein to keep you full. Entrees to avoid: Beijing Beef, Orange Chicken, Sweet and Sour Chicken, and anything with pork.
2. Subway 6”Sub
Turkey Breast and Black Forest Ham Sandwich (on 9-grain wheat bread with tomatoes, onions, green peppers, pickles, olives, and mustard)
310 calories
4 g fat (1 g saturated)
1,255 mg sodium
Subway is a given, but don’t jump for complete joy yet. The numbers Subway advertises are only for a 6-inch sub and don’t account for cheese, mayo, olive oil, or any other favorite extras most people get on their sub. Order a 12-inch sandwich with a couple of extras and your “healthy” sub suddenly becomes an 800-calorie, diet-sinking torpedo. Just make sure to go with 6 inches (not 12), mustard (not mayo), and take advantage of Subway’s best option: unlimited veggies.
3. Chick-fil-A Nuggets (8 count) with Barbecue Sauce
315 calories
12 g fat (2.5 saturated)
1,170 mg sodium
 Lately, though, we’ve seen sodium and calorie counts starting to creep upward, so keep that in mind and check the sodium content. This 8-count nugget is packed with 28 grams of hunger-blasting protein and is the perfect midday meal. Just make sure you stay away from the Polynesian Sauce for dipping. One tub contains 110 calories.( the best one)

4. McDonald’s Grilled Honey Mustard Snack Wrap and Side Salad
320 calories
12 g fat (3.5 saturated)
1,540 mg sodium
(with Newman’s Own Low Fat Balsamic Vinaigrette)

WOW! McDonald’s made the list, who knew? This wrap only contains five ingredients: grilled chicken breast, flour tortilla, jack and cheddar cheese, lettuce, and honey mustard. That’s the kind of ingredient list we like to see: simple and delicious. Tack on a side salad and you’ve got a well-rounded meal with fewer calories than one Double Cheeseburger.
5. Burger King Jr. Whopper w/o Mayo and BK Apple Fries
330 calories
10.5 g fat (4 g saturated)
500 mg sodium
Burger King holds the dubious distinction of being the unhealthiest of the Big Three burger joints, but you can manage to pull one healthy combination together. By simply getting rid of the mayo, the Whopper Jr. becomes one of the most reliable burgers in the fast-food kingdom, and who doesn’t love a fresh apple? Together, they make a nutritious meal if you must dine on the dash. Warning: Every other Whopper sandwich has anywhere from 0.5 grams to 2.5 grams of trans fat. Yikes!
6. Taco Bell Fresco Chicken Soft Tacos (2)
340 calories
8 g fat (2 g saturated)
1,360 mg sodium
Remember the “great” Drive-Thru Diet? I wouldn’t go that far but, truth is, this Taco Bell provides dozens of possible meal combos for less than 500 calories. Stick to the Fresco Menu—where not one item is more than 350 calories—and you’ll begin to think there’s something to this whole Drive-Thru Diet. But, keep in mind this is still a fast food place and there are plenty of pitfalls, so order wisely. STAY AWAY from the Grilled Stuff Burritos, food served in a bowl, and anything with multiple layers.
7. Dunkin’ Donuts Egg White and Cheese Breakfast Wake-Up Wraps (2)
305 calories
14 g fat (6 g saturated)
965 mg sodium
(w/ Small Black Coffee)

Dunkin’ Donuts is more than just donuts! A Wake-Up Wrap and a small black coffee will give you exactly what you need to stay energized through the morning. This meal delivers 16 grams of hunger-fighting protein.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Survive The Weekend Temptation

When starting a new fitness regimen the weekends can be hard to stay on track and focused. Here a 4 easy to follow tips that can make the temptation less appealing.

* Drink plenty of water.We often mistake our bodies calling for hydration for hunger.
* Don't over-restrict your food intake during the week(starve yourself for the sake of weight loss). This will make you famished by the weekend and overindulge is more likely.

* Enjoy whole foods,foods high in fiber.
* Eat more foods rich in omega-3 fatty acid - flaxseed,wheat germ,tofu,walnuts & green leafy 3 is also good for the heart,bones and may help prevent depression.

Incorporateing these small changes will help you stay focused and on track with getting in shape & staying in shape.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

New Year!!!


This seems to be the trend for the start of each year and each year the same ads run, but after the "newness" wears off then what?

Everyone is looking for the latest trends and when it comes to a complete LIFESTYLE change that is a journey that continues beyond newspaper ads and upcoming trends.

This blog is to help with the"Now What's" of your journey. It will serve as your go to support and information source. Support is FREE and given without judgement. Our goal at Art Fitness is YOU and this amazing journey you are on.

We look forward to hearing your ideals and learning from your experiences!